Information according to §5 TMG - general information requirements
Michael Scholz
Rebhuhnweg 15b
53919 Weilerswist
49 (0) 172 4202344
Michael Scholz
UST-ID: DE335030565
St. Nr. 209/5128/3573
Consumer dispute settlement
I do not take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Liability for links
My offer contains links to external third-party websites over whose content I have no influence. Therefore, I cannot accept any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time they were linked. No illegal content was found at the time the link was created. However, permanent monitoring of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. If I become aware of legal violations, I will remove such links immediately.
The content and works on these pages created by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.
Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. In particular contents of third parties are marked as such. If you should nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please notify me accordingly. If I become aware of legal violations, I will remove such content immediately.
This page is written in German. In order to do justice to the broadest possible group of addressees, it is regularly translated into English. The translation is carried out using electronic translation tools and is then manually revised and adjusted in terms of language and content. The aim is the most uniform possible transmission of the content. Should there nevertheless be discrepancies between the versions, the content of the German version is decisive.