I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Michael, and came to know him as a valuable asset to Telekom. He is honest, dependable and hard-working, always delivering analysis on time, reccomending the right course of action.
His knowledge of finance, financing in international markets, M&A and expertise in telecommunication operations was a huge advantage to our entire group of companies.
Michael has always been an joy to work with. He is a true team player, and always managed to bring the best out of us in any project.
I warmly recommend him to join any executive team as I know he will bring value, efficiency and positive vibe.
I worked with Michael as a colleague in Telekom Romania. He was a by everybody highly-respected strategy executive in the company.
I was always impressed about his sound understanding of problems and his ability to work out sustainable solutions and to implement them.
Michael's ability to handle multiple projects in different fields (e.g. Finance, operations, business strategy) was outstanding and added high value to the company. Michael brings good mood to every meeting and appointment. He is a true leader and for sure an asset for any team. Working with him was really a pleasure.
I worked with Michael in the strategy department of Deutsche Telekom Europe. Michael has a clear business focus, understands the dynamic telecommunications market well and outlines the necessary investment or divest needs. He was very helpful in order to structure the new business development strategy and appropriate calculation. He was always an important asset for our team. I enjoyed working with him.
... Mr. Scholz very successfully headed the entire FTTH program for the country wide fiber-optic roll out program (1.3 mill. Households passed). He reported directly to the C-level steering committee and the board. ...
... It must be highlighted that Mr. Scholz always brings his innovative ideas straight forward to very efficient results to the highest benefits of the company. ...
Hierbei sind seine ausgezeichnetenFach-kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der strukturierten Finanzierungen und der Projektfinanzierung hervorzuheben. Dabei ist er ein kompetenter Gesprächspartner der Geschäftsführungen [ ...] und unterstützt diese in den Verhandlungen mit nationalen und internationalen Banken.
Er verfügt über außergewöhnlich umfangreiche Erfahrung in allen Formen der Finanzierung
(Eigen-und Fremdkapital), der nationalen und internationalen Bilanzierung, der Treasury und des Corporate Finance. Herr Scholz hat mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg und großem persönlichen Einsatz Transformationsprozesse gestaltet und geleitet.